Andy & Alana contacted Riverfall after finding them as a recommended adviser on a works intranet.  They were introduced to Jessica and over the last three years have simplified their lives and got a lot more time back together.

Here’s what they had to say about working with the Riverfall Financial team.

What made you seek advice?

I (Andy) was working for a large employer and had reached a point in my life where I knew some pension planning was overdue and we wanted to see if I could finish work before turning 60.

In reality I knew this had been due for some time but with helping the children through university Alana had, essentially, been working just to keep supporting them; as given my income at the time they didn’t qualify for much of the loan.

What’s been the biggest benefit of working with Riverfall?

The mental relief of knowing that we’ve tidied everything up and now have financial peace of mind.

We spent time unravelling the various accounts that had been accrued over a lifetime of working and Jessica was not afraid to challenge me when I’d got a bit ‘stuck in my own mind’ about how I envisaged my retirement would happen.  Mainly, she calculated that I didn’t need to wait for (hope for even?!) redundancy – we could already afford for me to retire whenever I was ready.

This was very freeing as we no longer felt like we were on the treadmill and Jessica helped us understand that what we wanted was achievable.

How has Riverfall made a difference to your lives

We feel like we can confidently live our lives knowing that we have a financial plan and the understanding of what we can do with our futures.   The biggest change has been flipping our mindset from being savers to spenders – it’s a difficult thing to change the habit of a lifetime.  I struggled initially given how much we were spending whilst I was working. As Jessica says, it’s about giving ourselves “permission to retire”.

It’s not been the smoothest of retirements given some curve balls that came our way, but Jessica was responsive to changes we needed to take on board, rolled with it and accommodated us brilliantly.

The holistic approach really helped us both understand the bigger picture which has come in very useful given stock market performance over the last few years!  Thankfully, we’re on plan and Jessica keeps us informed whilst also reminding us that we don’t need to worry about short term volatility.

We feel under less pressure and really appreciate the impartial voice which Riverfall provides.  I’ve been recommending them to ex-colleagues as we’ve really seen the benefit, both in terms of our finances and providing clarity and certainty to make plans going forwards.

In hindsight, we’d reached a certain point in our lives and the job had started to get in the way of things we’d rather be doing.  The house was good, I was at the top of my career and the kids were doing just fine; I was running out of reasons to justify the hours I was working.  It’s important to retire TO something and we have plenty of hobbies that keep us busy.

We would both recommend the Riverfall team, they’ve helped us move forwards and enjoy something that always felt like it was permanently remaining years away.


What our
clients say

It’s not what we say about us that’s important, it’s what our clients say that matters most.
Riverfall quote mark element.
“We both agreed that it was the full, concise but easy to understand way our investment was explained to us by Jessica that really stood out. It was made easy.”
Mr & Mrs Baird
Riverfall quote mark element.
“I am very grateful for the excellent help and advice received from Shaun Brennan and felt 100% confident in the service provided”
Mr N Lewis
Riverfall quote mark element.
We continue to be inspired and excited by planning our future!” Jo Rimmer, business owner.
J Rimmer, Business Owner

Frequently Asked

Do I have to pay for an initial meeting with a financial planner?

Absolutely not.  Your first meeting, typically lasting an hour, is at our expense and is the opportunity for you to decide if you would like to work with us.  It is also an opportunity for us to ensure that we can add value for you before proceeding any further.

Where can I find you?

We are based in Ruddington and also have office space in Mountsorrel near Loughborough as well as central London. For directions to our Ruddington office please visit our About Us page.

How can I meet with a financial planner?

We would always suggest, where you are comfortable and where practical, that your initial meeting is held face to face. We also have Teams conference calling and are happy to speak over the telephone. Call us today and one of our team will be happy to set up an appointment time, day and method that suits you best.

What are the different services you offer?

We offer Personal Planning, Business Planning and Mortgages & Protection, including Final Salary Pension Transfer Advice. If there’s an area which we can’t offer assistance on we will help you source alternatives if suitable. We would be happy to run through everything that we offer in an initial, no obligation meeting.

What are your charges?

All of our fees are agreed upfront and before any chargeable work is carried out, providing you with the peace of mind that you understand exactly what you’re paying. We also offer a range of payment methods. Our planners are happy to discuss our fee models in an initial, no obligation meeting and will always provide a bespoke proposal for your consideration.

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‘The Bridge’

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